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About us - Our history

1971 Geolin Ltd – London

First established by Dr. El-Sayed El-Tarabili and H. Thomas for:

geological consultations and investigations, petroleum geology, reservoir engineering, natural resources and underground water

 جيولين – لندن


1981 Geolin GmbH – Germany

Manufacture:   Mud-Logging Units,

                        Core-Lab Equipment / Systems

                        Software Development for Applied ML-Units / Core Analysis

supply the international oil and gas exploration service market with best technical solutions and advantages, based on the latest standards realized

1981          ا

جيولين – ألمانيا


Dr. El-Sayed El-Tarabili

1983 Geolin Egypt – 10‘th of Ramadan


Area operations center, to conform with the increasing demand for our services due to the expanding exploration activities, as those due to this century.

 جيولين – العاشر من رمضان

1983  ن رمضان

1997 Geolin – Libya

Libyan exploration service establishment. Operation center for Mud-Logging & Core Analysis services.

  جيولين – ليبيا

1997   بيا

 جيولين – ألمانيا

2018  انيا

2018 Geolin GmbH – Germany

International operating center for geological cosultations, mud-logging & core analysis services

2019 Geolin Egypt – Egypt

Due to the investment incentive measures held by the Egyptian government such as the new investment law No. 72 / 2017, meet to extend the oil and gas activities of the republic expansively, Geolin Egypt, a limited company was founded according the new investment law regulations on May the 15th, 2019, to take part in the exploration activities occurring both in and surround Egypt, supported by the positive investing climate provided by the ongoing global domestic product growth (GDP), driven by the emerging countries and their increasing demand for oil and gas globally through the next decades.

 جيولين مصر – مصر

2019 مصر

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Geolin GmbH

im Gewerbepark 15

27798 Hude, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)4408/6282 

Fax.: +49 (0)4408/8132

E-mail :

Copyright by Geolin GmbH  2021

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